• いのちのめぐる家づくり


    The House with a Thatched Roof

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  • 新しい結の形
    / Introduction


    In April 2017, we started the renovation project of an old house in Ena. The house originally had a thatched roof when it was first built 150 years ago, but the roof has been covered by a huge plastic sheet for more than 30 years. The rainwater leaks from the damaged roof last year, which spurred us into action. We started the renovation by repairing the damaged pillars and beams first, then started to replace the grass roof. Through this renovation project, we are rediscovering and learning the traditional techniques from skilled carpenters and thatchers. Having some supports from the professionals, we try to complete as much of the work as possible by ourselves. This is not an easy challenge, will take long time and needs many supports. But this is the similar way that people in the past had continued since long time ago. Now it's our turn !

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    150-year old


    The locals say this house has been here for more than 150 years. The roof had been covered by the huge plastic sheet for over 30 years until it was taken off last year. The clock began to tick again.

  • なぜ今茅葺?
    Why thatching today?

    Working together

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    There used to be many grasslands called kayaba where people raised kaya grasses (or rushes) for thatching anywhere in the countryside.
    In winter, villagers cultivate and gather grasses in the kayaba and store them in the roof spaces of their houses.
    When the house in the village needs to repair the roof, the villagers bring their stock of kaya grasses to the house.
    Thatchers and villagers work together and take old kaya grasses off the roof and renew it with the new grasses.
    The old kaya grasses taken off from the roof would be brought to the farm field to fertilize the land again.





    Restoring an old thatched roof needs lots of work of thatchers and their assistants who work beneath the roof. In the past, only the locals worked as the assistants, but today anyone can join to help them and touch the real work. It was a burden for the locals in the past, but now it changed to a joy for us. A house with thatched roof has a natural warmth and friendliness. That is because, I believe, we're able to feel the people's effort or joy in the past hidden in the history of the roof. I would like people to choose the "warm" house that someone made for somebody like this, rather than just a fancy design house made in a factory.

  • くらしを大事にする暮らし
    Important Things in Life


    Black starry night seen over the mountains. For the people who visit here from where they live in the city, this village seems almost too beautiful . The modern city lifestyle is changing very fast, but here life moves at a slower pace. It reminds us of the important things in life. We'd like to value what we inherited from the previous generation, and pass it on to the next.

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  • 茅刈りをしよう!
    Kayaba grass field


    Kaya is a collective term of the grasses like straw when people use it for roofing. People used to maintain the grass fields called Kayaba where they raised kaya grass for roofing. Maintaining Kayaba is important not only for human, but also for many small animals because it leads to keep the rich habitat for animals.

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